Friday, October 21, 2016

Blogpost 018: OCTOBERPETSIVAL a Celebration of Health for Pet Lovers

This year, pet lovers will once again celebrate the annual “Petsival,” event in Imus, Cavite. Just like the previous successful events organized by the local Veterinary Office of Imus, here comes again the most awaited pet event of the year!
Last 2014, Cavite Pet Depot in coordination with the local Veterinary Service Office of Imus sponsored “Octobepetstival 2014,” event. The program promotes awareness on the advocacy of “Rabies free city 2020.” A number of eager sponsors who took part in the program were Vitality, Pedigree, Royal Canine, Doggies Choice, Companion pet, Vitakraft and many more.
The event showcased different pet health activities and shows like, free rabies shot, pet blessing, K-9 agility show and dog show.
This yearly event aims to promote rabies eradication, for the statistics dictates that most families in Imus, Cavite at present has at least 1 pet in their home.

Year after year, this program proves to be successful, earning successful results and a growing family of pet lovers as well.
What is in store for you?

Last September 7, 2016, the event began with a series of seminars about rabies eradication. It is followed by a vaccination drive which happened last September 24, 2016, providing more than 500 plus shots for all pet lovers who came to the event. This is truly a record breaking event!

There were also free consultations for dog and cat lovers and a de-worming program as well.
The most awaited grand celebration which will be held on October 22 will include an owner and dog run which is truly what dog lovers awaits. It will be held at IMUS SPORTS COMPLEX, instead of the original venue which is in Vermosa Daang Hari and activity will start at 2pm. A series of dog shows, pet blessing ceremony and many more!
So, all you pet lovers out there, do not miss out on this sought after pet event of the year! We will see you there!

Attached herein is the race kit is the sample singlet which you can choose from either SET 1 which include your furbaby and SET 2 which is you want to join eventhough its just yourself. I have also attached the location map as your guide. You can register on the day of the event itself or you can go to Cavite Pet Depot to register and get your singlet for you and yiur furbaby instantly....

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